This is probably my favorite movie of all time cause holy cow, IT'S HILARIOUS! Obviously it's going to be hilarious because Sandra Bullock is in it and she is amazing! It's definitely one of the funniest movies I've ever seen and it never fails to make me laugh no matter how many times I've seen it! The movie was made in 2009 (sorry, it's another kind of older movie.. But it's too funny not to suggest!) and it was directed by Anne Fletcher. Anne is a very successful director. She has directed 27 Dresses and the first Step Up movie, both really incredible movies.
For many years, Andrew Paxton has been slaving as an assistant for Margaret Tate, an editor. Margaret is facing deportation because her visa expired. She has come up with a plan that her and Andrew are getting married, and he agrees, as long as he gets a promotion. This is when things get interesting. They fly to Andrew's home town for his grandmas ninetieth birthday, but little did Margaret know, he lived in Sitka, Alaska. They keep up the charade, but INS thinks they are faking, and is ready to arrest Andrew for fraud and deport Margaret. Did they pull it off and Margaret gets to stay in the country? Or does something more happen (something more does happen...)?! Watch the movie and find out!
My favorite character in the movie is Gammy and she is played by Betty White, possibly the funniest person of all time. Her character just reminds me a lot of my grandma, they both say a lot of funny things on accident. She makes up funny dances and is really outgoing. Near the end of the movie, she pulls a stunt that scared me to death but if you know what's coming, it's actually really funny. Also, there's a really cute little white puppy in the movie and it melts my heart and I want it..
Andrew is played by Ryan Reynolds (holy cow he is good looking) and Margaret is played by Sandra Bullock. Sandra Bullock is one of my favorite actresses (if you couldn't already tell I wrote a post about just her...) because she is insanely funny in her comedies that she does. Ryan does a really good job of being really sarcastic in a funny way and sort of acting as a typical male. Sandra does an amazing job with her role. She nailed being a bossy boss (that's really fun to say...) that everyone hates, but secretly is a really good person. All of the other actors/actresses work extremely well together in completing the side characters and an incredible movie was made.
Please, watch this movie, it's one of the greatest things ever! If you don't believe me, watch the movie trailer HERE! See you next time. (471 words)
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