I don't think I will ever understand the decision to do drugs, yet a lot of people do them. One person that comes to mind is Lindsey Lohan. How disappointing was it when she got arrested? Little kids looked up to her! What's the appeal to doing cocaine, or other hardcore drugs? Don't people know that you get addicted to that? I guess some people don't have very good logic...
It's very disappointing to hear about all of the abuse that's going, and a lot of it is coming from professional athletes. NFL football player Ray Rice was one of these athletes. Not only was it horrible that he was involved in this, but the NFL did NOT handle it well at all! You're telling me that hitting and knocking out your wife only calls for a two game suspension? The way that it was handled put out the message that since he's famous, the law doesn't apply to him. There are way too many occurrences of celebrities getting out of trouble when they should be punished.
This just outrages me.. What the heck are people thinking when they take nude pictures of themselves? I mean what could possibly be the logic to doing this? I think it's pretty clear that there are some creepy people out there, so how could these celebrities think that their photos would stay private? It's especially disturbing when a few of these celebs are former Disney channel actors (cough cough Vanessa Hudgens). When I hear about these stars and their illicit pictures, It makes me not want to look at them. How embarrassing would that be for the whole world to have seen every part of you? I will never know because I'm not stupid enough to do that kind of thing.
Celebrities need to start thinking about their actions and how it's going to affect their fans. Especially if their fans are children. Sorry for my ranting, but some people just don't think about what they are doing! (415 words)