The main character in the series is Bella Swan, and she is a very awkward girl who moved from living with her mom in Phoenix, Arizona to Forks, Washington to live with her dad. She is seventeen years old when the series starts and she meets a peculiar person named Edward Cullen. At first she thought that he didn't like her very much (you should see the look on his face when she first sits by him!), but then she found out that he was a vampire. They fall in love, even though it's very dangerous, and go through a lot of problems together. At one point, Edward even tried leaving Forks to keep Bella from falling in love with him, but failed and they end up falling in love anyway.
Edward has a "family" and they are awesome. Esme is one of my favorite characters, and she acts as sort of the mom of the family. She is married to Carlisle, who turned Edward and Esme into vampires to begin with. He is the father of the family. Along the way, Rosalie, Alice, Emmet, and Jasper join in to the clan too. This is very different for Bella because she doesn't have any siblings just two parents and a best friend. Her mom, Renee, is not a very prominent character in the books, but her dad Charlie is. I love him because he is sarcastic and funny. Her best friend is Jacob Black and he is a part of the native Ticuna Indian Tribe. He is one of the main characters in the series. Bella later finds out that he is a werewolf.
Of course there has to be a few bad guys in the plot. It all starts with three vampires named James, Victoria, and Laurent. They ran into the Cullens one day and realized that they had a human friend. The first time they saw her is when they decided that they wanted to hunt her. Eventually all of them die because the wonderful Edward protects her. Then the Volturi (sort of the dictators of the vampire world) find out about Bella and are upset that she knows about vampires. Three vampires make up the Volturi and they are Aro, Caius, and Marcus and they have a guard with special "powers" (example of these gifts are Edward and Alice. Edward can read peoples minds and Alice can see into the future). They told Bella and Edward that she either had to become a vampire or die because she knew their secret.
I don't think that the roles of these characters could be played better than the ones chosen for the movies. Bella is played by Kristen Stewart and she knows how to play an awkward role let me tell you. Sometimes it made me laugh at how weird she was, but then I realized that she was supposed to be that way. I really love that Robert Pattinson is Edward because he is definitely eye candy and no one expected him to be good for the role but he was magnificent. Jacob is played by Taylor Lautner and he physically fits the role. I would explain to you why everyone is perfect for their roles but that would probably take too long...
I guess you could say I am obsessed with this series because I have read the all of the books (I even read the last book like twelve times...) and I have seen all of the movies. Sometimes when I get bored, I watch the last movie again.. I know practically all of the lines in that movie. I'm not proud of it. I even taught myself how to play some of the songs in the movies on the piano. Yeah I know, I have a problem!
If my craziness doesn't convince you to read the books and watch the movies then I don't know what will! See you soon! (760 words)
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