Saturday, March 21, 2015

Bad Coaches

I think every athlete can say that they have had a terrible coach once or twice in their career. I know for me, I have had like six of them. They can be such a pain and it makes you hate the sport, but you have to toughen up and get through the pain. I know, they can make your team be pretty bad, I'm actually on a team right now where the coaches are so bad, we literally cannot win. Hopefully things clear up soon.
I think the best thing you can do if you have a bad coach is just don't listen to the negatives. They can be yelling and screaming and cussing at you, but you just have to let it go through one ear and out of the other. Come together as a team and bring the best out of each other.
The next step you can take is to talk to your coach. Me and my team tried talking to our coach. Unfortunately they are both so young, they didn't take it very well. It was poorly timed and the rest of the weekend was very awkward and tense because of it. Make sure that if you choose to talk to your coach, make it a good time for everyone.
Since that didn't work for us, we set up a parent meeting with the club directors. Now this hasn't happened yet, but I hope this clears things up because we have nationals in June, and we all need to be at our best for that to be successful.
If you ask me, I think parents should stay out of this situation. Sooner or later, kids need to learn how to take care of these things themselves. My parents always make me talk to my coaches by myself. It may be scary, but it really does help to do it yourself. Your coaches will also respect you more if you do it by yourself.
All in all, there is a lesson to be learned by having a bad coach. You may not always like everyone in your life, may it be a job or simply a coach, but you still have to stick it out and be respectful. It is the adult thing to do, and if you ask me, kids with bad coaches have a leg up in the real world when they are older.
Apparently we do have something to thank our bad coaches for!

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