Sunday, December 14, 2014

Crossfit: is the feeling of death worth it?

Crossfit is probably one of the most rigorous things I have ever participated in, but holy cow it makes you 10 times stronger than you were before. It may feel like you are dying during the workout, but it is totally worth it in the end. 
This year, I am doing crossfit with a few girls from the track and field team. We joined a 3 month program that is on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday for an hour(and no we don't go to those crazy crossfit competitions for insanely buff people). For the first 2 weeks, we learned form on our lifting during the first half hour of class. These lifts include power/full hang cleans, power/full hang snatch, clean and jerk, front squat, box squat, sumo squat, and probably 20 more lifts. When we hit the 3rd week, we went to the regular workout. The workout would consist of one primary lift that you would do a certain amount of reps on. For example, we would do 3 clean and jerks every other minute on the minute for 10 minutes. That would mean doing 3 clean and jerks in 1 minute, and then a 1 minute break period. After that, we would go to the WOD(that means workout of the day which I just figured out like yesterday) which are always very VERY difficult. They are circuits of different workouts that you either have a time limit to do a certain number, or you do as many rounds as possibly in a certain time cap. For example, tomorrow we are doing a 5 rounds of 400 meter runs and 15 overhead squats in a time cap of 18 minutes. This is one of the easier workouts. The hardest workout I've had to do so far was 50 box jumps, 50 jumping pull ups, 50 kettle bell swings, 50 walking lunge steps, 50 knees to elbows, 50 push press, 50 back extensions, 50 wall balls, 50 burpees, and 50 double unders in a time cap of 30 minutes. I'm pretty sure I died after that workout. 
I know that crossfit is working for me because my hang clean max has improved 15 pounds and my squat max has improved 10 pounds. It may be very extremely terribly hard, but it is very worth it if you stick it out. 
Word count: 367 words

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